To the Class of 2021

To the Class of 2021:
Unprecedented. It’s a word that has become ubiquitous over the last fifteen months, one that we’ve all exhausted in our attempts to describe the uncertainty and novelty of living through a pandemic. Although this word has become trite, it does accurately reflect many aspects of your senior year. No other graduating class has completed the majority of their final year of high school in a hybrid learning model, separated from friends by cohorts and computer screens. No other graduating class has donned PPE for school, or spent countless hours disinfecting desks and sanitizing hands. No other graduating class has endured the unrelenting traffic, or played football in March, or had their senior prom split across two nights. These experiences are unique to you, and while they certainly are unprecedented, they are so much more than that. They are evidence of everything good and inspiring about the Class of 2021.
The 2020-2021 school year has not been an easy one, yet you have handled every setback, every loss, every last-minute change with flexibility and grace. When the start to your senior year was delayed, and again when you were given twenty-four hours notice that school would begin remotely, you adapted and you made the best of it. In cohorted classrooms of a half-dozen students and on Google Meets alone in your rooms, you took a less-than-ideal situation and infused it with positivity. In smaller classes, you branched out, built new relationships, and expanded your social circles. On remote days, you developed self-discipline, conquered fears of public speaking, and practiced patience as your teachers learned to navigate new educational platforms. Through all the hiccups and shortcomings of this year, you remained understanding and kind, supporting not only your teachers, but each other.
As you tried to plan the celebrations and traditions that are so often the highlight of senior year, you were regularly met with the disappointing refrain of “We’re so sorry, we can’t.” Rather than lamenting what couldn’t happen, you asked “What can we do instead?”. Your creativity and problem-solving yielded Senior Dress-Up Day skits on the stadium field (albeit in the pouring rain!) and an outdoor prom at The Wayside Inn. This willingness to “make it work” carried over into other extracurriculars. From virtual band and choral concerts to open-air theatre productions, you found ways to not only stay involved in your passions, but share them with the community, despite the limitations and unconventional modes.
While this year has highlighted your adaptability and resilience, it was not without frustrations or feelings of loss. You grieved for the idealized senior year that never was, but you did not permit these circumstances to rob you of your hope or your joy. You adjusted your expectations, committed to new routines, and surrendered yourselves to optimism with the knowledge that inevitably a new dawn would break over the horizon. When you first arrived at LS four years ago, you could have never imagined how the final year of your high school career would pan out. Now, as you prepare to move on from LS and embark on a journey that is full of unknowns, take comfort in knowing that this past year has prepared you for anything that comes your way. The skills you gained from this year may not help you see the future, but they are indicative of the promising future that awaits each of you. We couldn’t be more proud of all you’ve accomplished and the people you’ve become. Congratulations, Class of 2021!
The Class of 2021 Advisors
Ms. Cox, Ms. Ehrler, and Ms. Patterson
Nancy and Steve Kaplan • May 26, 2021 at 2:03 pm
To our grandson, Jackson Kaplan and the graduating class of 2021, congratulations and best of luck to all of you!