It is now the beginning of the second semester at LS. Midterms and exams may be over, but the stress that students feel on a daily basis is still unwavering. Managing school, sports, family duties, and possibly college for seniors and juniors, is a daily challenge for many high schoolers. Instead of letting these stressors control your life, here are three things you can do to help manage stress successfully, and possibly take some load off your shoulders.
Physical activity is one amazing way to help overcome stress, whether that is simply going on a walk or working out in the gym. The Mayo Clinic strongly advocates that “when your body is healthy, your mind can be healthy and vice versa,” so being active can not only benefit your quality of life, it can also help reduce stress.
Another way to keep your mind healthy is by talking with others and not keeping all of the stressful things in life to yourself. Being social and conversing with others—about stress or not—is incredibly beneficial. Talking to other people can make you feel more supported, and, when stressed, that is extremely important and can be advantageous in making someone feel less overwhelmed.
Lastly, stress can arise from too much time on devices or social media. It may be hard to do, but if you put your phone down at night and not watch TikTok or scroll through instagram before bed, you may get a better night’s sleep. Sleep is key in helping reduce stress. The more rested you are, the less stressed you will be. Try putting your phone downstairs one night, because taking a break from devices might just be the thing you need.
It is very hard to manage all of the stressors that people face everyday. Instead of wallowing in them, try going to the gym, talking with a friend, and maybe even turning Do Not Disturb on for a day. Remember, managing your stress is much better than coping with it.