The Sudbury Community Food Pantry is a local organization that tirelessly provides food-insecure families with meals and other necessities. For the past thirty years, it has been located in the basement of Ascension Parish (formerly Our Lady of Fatima). During this time, the Pantry had to operate according to the church’s schedule, and distribution times were limited from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. Although the Pantry is fortunate to have the space, it would like to be open more frequently and according to its own schedule.
According to John Thomas, the Executive Director of the Sudbury Community Food Pantry and a Lincoln-Sudbury graduate, “moving wasn’t a choice,” it is a necessity for a more productive experience.
They are currently working in the 450-square-foot basement space where tightly-packed food containers maximize storage. New shipments enter through a small window, sliding down a wooden board where they are caught by volunteers, a hard and dangerous method of collection for their senior volunteers. The ideal space should be 3,000-4,000 square feet and have a neat and spread-out space that accommodates the needs of the pantry.
After four years of endless searching and work to find a more sustainable location, on December 10th, 2024, the Sudbury Community Food Pantry bought its first building at 534 Boston Post Rd in Wayland. Although its new location is not directly in Sudbury, it is on the town line. With the new building, the pantry hopes to return to in-person shopping for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The in-person model makes clients feel more dignified,” said John Thomas. “It makes them feel like they are shopping at a supermarket.”
With their new establishment, the pantry will be able to distribute and ship food more efficiently, storage will be more organized, and clients will be able to park before coming in to shop. With more space and expanded times, the pantry is excited for what is to come and the opportunity to help more people in need.