Driving through Sudbury, Lincoln, or Wayland at night, you may have noticed signs displayed and purple lights illuminating LS or other town buildings and wondered why. Purple – a color associated with courage, hope, and survival – is used to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month, October. With these lights, organizations like the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable hope to honor those lost to domestic violence, as well as spread awareness that domestic violence affects people everywhere. According to shelterhousenwfl.org, an average of over three women are murdered by their intimate partners in the United States every day, and one in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Domestic violence affects people across communities and these purple lights provide a way to cast light on an extremely important issue.
The Roundtable, along with the Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund, is working with clubs such as Students Together Empowering Women (STEW) and Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) to bring attention to domestic violence and raise awareness, especially during the month of October. How can you show your support? Domestic Violence Awareness Month will be highlighted at the LS vs. Wayland football game on October 10th. Students and crowd members are encouraged to wear purple, which will also be available to purchase at the event. By showing support as a community, those affected by domestic violence will know they are not alone, and our community as a whole will become more aware of this issue. If you or a loved one is affected by domestic violence, know you are not alone, you are strong, and you are supported. October is domestic violence awareness month, but this is an issue that occurs every day, all year.
The Massachusetts domestic violence hotline is: 800-799-7233