7 Things You Can Do To Make Your Academic Life Easier

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With these tips, you can be a more organized and productive student going into the 2nd quarter.
With the quarter coming to an end, take some time to reflect on how it went. What went well, and what could you improve on? Organization and procrastination are two big things that the majority of high school students struggle with. This has been the first marking period back normally since March of 2020 and things have drastically changed. There are skills that we all have lost and some that we have picked up along the way. With that being said, here are a few things you can do to increase organizational skills and productivity, which will make your academic life a whole lot easier:
1. Make a checklist or use a daily planner
Personally, I use my planner every day to keep track of all my homework. I feel that my planner keeps me updated on all my assignments and tests. I like being able to see everything that I have to do right in front of me and I love the feeling of checking off completed assignments.
2. Set a timer
Working continuously for hours may be your way of doing things, but it may also decrease the value of your work. If you set a timer and work nonstop for that set time, you have met your goal and got a portion of your workload out of the way. I usually set a 30-40 minute timer when studying.
3. Take short but frequent breaks
If you’re working for hours, you can get tired and lose motivation to do your best work. By taking a brain break, you can focus on the things you like to do for a short amount of time, then return to your work with a fresh mindset.
4. Work in a clean and organized environment
Clean space, clean mind. Having a messy space or desk can create distractions. When you clear off your space there is less you are thinking about, and you focus more on completing what you have to do.
5. Use a reward system
Reward yourself for your hard work, for every assignment you finish give yourself something that makes you happy. That may be eating a piece of candy or playing with your pet, you deserve something for all the hard work you do.
6. Try not to do things last-minute
Working under pressure might motivate you to get something done, but your work may not be the best quality. Starting an assignment the day you get it can eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress, even if it is just reading over the directions or doing a portion of it. By starting it before the day of the deadline you make sure you are putting your best foot forward.
7. Ask for help
Last, but definitely not least, if you are overwhelmed ask for help. LS provides a great support system and your teachers and counselor are there to help you. If you don’t want to ask a staff member, talk to a parent, a sibling, or friend. Don’t forget that we are all rooting for you and here to help!